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Journeys To Success: 12 Real-Life Women Share Their Inspiring Stories

More women need to hear the success stories of other women. Often times we feel alone in our struggles and setbacks and wonder how other women have done it. What is her secret to success; managing work, home, and personal life? 

Even with this book project some women were hesitant to share their story or just even parts of their story. Why you might wonder…their reasons included; ‘I don’t want to offend another person involved in my story’, ‘nobody would want to hear my ordinary story’, ‘I’ve been writing my story for years now but waiting for the perfect time’ or ‘I have too much going on, I don’t have time….’ and more reasons we can list which are respectfully understandable. 

But for those women who had the courage to share their stories even the intimate personal details in here and committed to collaborating, their stories after were more powerful. It was as if the actual writing process gave them their own power back and provided healing, insight and a greater perspective on how far they have actually achieved. If you are looking not only for inspiration of authentic and real stories from struggle to success but also implementation, these stories are for you. 

It is interesting to see the diverse stories from various backgrounds and each woman has their own personal favorite success principle(s) from Napoleon Hill.