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Where Does Santa Go on Vacation

Book Review for Where Does Santa Go on Vacation

Considering the sheer number of new children’s books that are released for the holiday season, the new effort by Elizabeth Rooks, “Where Does Santa Go on Vacation after Christmas?” is a refreshing change. Most new children’s books on the holiday season focus on the events leading up to Christmas Day. This effort actually is focused on a very logical question asked by most children. After all, what does Santa do after all his work on Christmas Eve is completed? Mirroring the imagination and wonder of her first work, “Rayne: Queen Water Supplier of the World”, Elizabeth Rooks has tapped into the imagination of children again, treating them with great respect and opening their eyes to the wonder and beauty of our world that is centered on the lead character, Tyler. In the book, Tyler imagines where Santa might go on vacation to rest after his work on Christmas is done. From that starting point, we see Santa visit far away places like Japan and Hawaii. There, Santa learns how to say hello in their native languages and enjoys the unique cultures that people around the world live in each day. Just the subject alone is highly attractive for children as well as the parents, the originality of the subject sets this book above the many that come out during this time of the year. What makes this such a great book for children is how the value of other cultures are presented in a warm, loving way that is not forced in any way. While many children’s books are weighted down with morals that tend to overwhelm the story, Elizabeth Rooks has walked that fine line between adventure and respect that never seems too light or too heavy. It’s takes real skill to pull off writing a book with this much fun and adventure that appeals to children and Elizabeth succeeds admirably. Born in the country of Haiti, Elizabeth Rooks left her home at the age of seven and came to America. Living in a world far different than the one she came from, it’s apparent that “Where Does Santa Go on Vacation…” is infused with her personal experiences. She has managed to tap into that wonder as a child and translate it into this wonderful book. Frankly, this is one of the best children’s book to come around in a long time. It’s perfect for the holiday season and makes a wonderful gift as well. Currently, Elizabeth is employed in Newark, New Jersey teaching children of special needs. She has earned a Master’s Degree in Children’s Literacy and with her unique life experiences is also a cancer survivor. Considering her first work, “Rayne”, there is little doubt that “Where Does Santa Go On Vacation After Christmas” was destined to become a wonderful children’s book and it has succeeded quite well. The book can be ordered directly from the author’s website at . Plus, you can visit her Facebook page as well to check for updates and new releases.


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